
Just keep on truckin'

Dad is starting to have fever spikes again, and not feeling the best! They have decided against the the liver biopsy just cuz he is so weak and not sure if he can handle the anesthetic. They are going to be putting a feeding tube in him today, and also extracting fluid in his stomach by needle to help him to be a little more comfortabel. They are concerned that the cancer has gotten into his liver and lungs, so they are going to do a CT scan today to see if they can see anything else. Mom is still up there with him and won't leave his side, I really don't blame her! Perry, Bec & I are going to see him tomorrow, and will find out more!

1 comment:

Gilbrides said...

sad to hear about the fever spikes. I hope they figure out what's causing it and can stop it. I'm glad you get to come see him. If you ever need anything. . .Please let me know. We can run up and take anything your dad or mom need to them. Or if you need a place to crash we have plenty of room (floor room at least)Or if you and Scott can both be up there but want to leave Sai, we would be extremely happy to spend time with Sai (and of course, you and Scott too!)