
Weekend Madness

We had another full weekend! Friday I took Sai to his first Football Game! The game wasnt anything special, just the local high school Blue & White game. He was yelling and clapping! He loved it! I sometimes wondered if he loved the cheerleaders more than the football players, but all in all he really enjoyed himself, and Papa was pretty proud that his grandson loved the game so much! Saturday I had the opportunity to take Rebecca, Jason & Kalani's family pictures! It was very dramatic, and I think Kalani was tired, therefore had a hard time controlling his emotions! But they did turn out pretty cute! That night we went to the Helper Arts Festival where we found out that Sai really likes Heavy Metal Music. You cant really tell on the video, but in the beginning he is singing along with the music, and then towards the end he starts dancing again! He was too cute!

Sunday we got all of the boys together and took pictures! Wow, that was the craziest photo shoot I ever want to be in! But we definately got a handful of cute pictures! It was just hard to get them to smile all at once, and to get the 2 youngest to sit still! Kalani and Kimo did really well, although we did soon found out that Kimo is quite the clown! He had a different expression for each picture, while Kalani was able to hold a good smile for most of the shoot.
So lots of pictures and lots of fun this weekend!

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