
San Francisco 08

Over the past weekend, I went to San Francisco! It was wonderful! A little crowded but awesome! A quick run down of what I did . . . We flew in Wednesday night, rented our Hybrid car (took us a while to figure out how to turn it on, put it into drive and turn it off, it was a trip!), and found our Hotel! Next morning we ventured out and found our way to Fisherman's Warf on Peir 39. That was great! There was so much to see and do. We were able to take a Ferry and get a tour of the Bay, including stories of Alcatraz, the Golden Gate Bridge, Angel island, and all the different things in the bay. Later that day we saw one of my most favorite people in the world, Preston! He was working late that night, but suggested a wonderful place to eat. It was at AsiaSF. It was a cute little restraunt that drag queens servied the food, and entertained while you ate! Sad to say, but I think that was one of the funnest parts of the trip! The Drag Queens hung out with us, and we took pictures! They were lots of fun!
The next day we went across the Golden Gate, and up into Sonoma County to wine country, and then even further into the Redwood forest. It was awesome to see all of the sights, and take everything in. Later that night, we went to the Castro area and went out to dinner with Preston and Brian! Food in San Fran is amazing!
The next day we went to Berkley, where University of Cal is, and wondered around Telegraph St. This is where a ton of hippies set up thier little stands and sell everything they make! We also ran into a palm reader, and of coarse we had to see what she had to say! Needless to say, she said that I would never be rich! Damn!!! But it was fun! Later we drove down Hwy 1, that follows the coast. It was beautiful! We even found a Light House! That night on the way home we decided to try and find the Oakland Temple. I wouldnt suggest you do that after dark, cuz we definately got lost. And that wouldnt matter so much if it wasnt dead center in the GHETTO!!! But we found our way out, and it was all good in the hood!
The next day we went back to Fishermans Warf and got a few extra things that we knew we couldnt live without, and then off to brunch with Preston & Brian. The cute little cafe was in the Mission, which is a Hispanic part of San Fran. Craziest thing happened while we were there. There was a street vendor that was selling Mexican wresting masks. I thought they were fun and was going to buy one. While Preston and I were standing there, a kid came up and stole a mask right out from under the vendors nose. Preston and I just looked at each other in wonder, and then out of no where came another kid, and he stole a mask also. The vendor caught that kid, and folowed him onto the nearest bus that he had jumped on. When he got on and confronted the kid, the bus doors closed and of he went on the bus. Sad this was there was no one there to run his place. Luckly there were some of his friends close by and they took over. It was crazy though.
Brunch was wonderful as we expected, and off to see Mamma Mia! It was so much fun spending time with Preston and Brian! I didnt realize how much I really missed him, but I do!
But it all was a blast! I love every minute! Even getting lost was fun! I couldnt believe how crowded it was, but it made me really appreciate my little home soo much more. My home is a mansion compared to some of the homes there! The weather was wonderful! I like to call it hoodie weather. I could wear shorts and a hoodie and was just fine! I loved seeing the fog! I loved everything!

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