
I am batman . . . . Do you want to run with Batman?

Wow keeping up with the blog is kinda hard! Things are going good in the triple S house! There is something that is always going on here.

Lets see, Scott was just recently promoted to be a plant operator at work. They are still short on people at work, but Sulika sure likes the overtime checks! He also has been training for a Triathlon that will be held this weekend in Huntington, UT. We will keep you updated on how well he does!

Saipe'ti is growing like a weed! He is starting to show his true personality! He over all is a pretty happy boy! He crawls all over the place and is constantly pulling himself up to different things, even if they are things that he knows he is not supposed to touch. He has cut his 3rd tooth just recently! He love to grunt and make cute little noises! Sometimes there not so little!

As for Sulika, she is still working, and playing as often as possible. She won't be playing as much as she wants to for a while though. Thursday morning she broke her ankle, and is laid up for a little while. Dont ask, it really wasnt anything graceful! Not fun! But she will get better, not to worry! But I thought I would atleast show you the picture. Gives a whole new meaning to Cankles!

All in all we are doing good!


Gilbrides said...

Wow, you guys really are keeping busy. Scott, congrats on your promotion at work. I wish I could tell you not to work too hard but I know you will anyways. Good luck on your Triathalon--you inspire me. Sulika, I am so sorry to hear about your ankle. I hope you get feeling better soon and that it won't slow you down. Sai, is such a cutie and that is so exciting about his new tooth. He has more than Katelyn now. He's next--he'll be the big one year next month--can you believe it?

Dwayne said...

That's one good lookin bat!