
Update on Dad

Okay here we go again.
So they got dad into the Huntsman’s Center. (For those of you that don’t know what the Huntsman Center is, here is the link http://www.huntsmancancer.org/ )It is more than wonderful! He has 5 Doctors that are assigned to him, and they come in every morning to have a little meeting and to correlate with one another, and to let mom and dad know what is going on. Its also nice because mom and dad can ask questions and they don’t have to say “I don’t know I will have to ask the Doctor”, cuz they are all right there!
This is what they have found out so far. He still has pneumonia, and is battling that as well as he can. They discovered that he has a fungal yeast infection. They know that there is something wrong with the liver, but not really sure what is going on. They don’t want to do a liver biopsy, cuz they are afraid that dad will have a hard time with bleeding.
Infectious Disease Dr brought in a team to study dad, and they decided that dad wasn’t strong enough yet. They also said that they have never seen anything like this, and they are going to have to hit the books on this one. They seem pretty confident, and did an ultra sound on some of his vital organs. They also looked at his pick, to make sure that there was no clots. They took him in for a CT scan to look at his liver and kidneys, to see if they could see anything on that. But he seemed like he was in good spirits. He was a little on edge, but they had quit giving him his happy pills, but they were starting him back up on those last night. He was really concerned about mom and didn’t want mom to stay there that much just cuz he knows that it is hard on her. I explained that hopefully this weekend she will come scrap booking with me for at least a day. We took mom out to dinner last night, to PF Changs! I love that place. Mom seemed to really have a nice time! We went with Brooke and Perry, and we were able to laugh a bit, so it was nice! You just kinda feel bad that dad can’t go, but I think it was a nice break for him too!


White Family said...

We are sorry to hear about your dad. I hope they take good care of him at the Huntsman Center. We will keep you guys in our prayers. Love ya, Aunt Helen

Gilbrides said...

Sulika, thank you for keeping us updated on how he is doing. I am so grateful he was able to get into the Huntsman Cancer Institute! I sure hope he gets the greatest care available. Your Dad and Mom are amazing! We love them and are still praying for them and the rest of your family!